I like David Sorenson's video very much. He manages to convey a very difficult concept simply and that is not easy. I have always felt that the 'spirit' of Oneness with the All is inevitably within every living being. It is energy and it is love. It is in all life. It is life.

Mind you, I now have to find out what that version of the Bible is all about, just to be informed about where Christianity has been going wrong. I am in UK and have not seen it before. Can you tell me its full name so that I can try to find a pdf of it online?

Recently I have noticed a huge increase in 'holy joes' commenting on every post, even when the content is not really conducive..... now I am beginning to understand.

Thank you Dr Kirsten for sharing that video here.

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You are most welcome Frances. Yes excellent production by David Sorenson and sorely needed. It has helped many to really understand what is happening. The name of the bible is The Scofield Study Bible. The original version is here https://archive.org/details/ScofieldbookofJames.

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Just saw Baldmichael already posted the link :-)

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I am trying to find that bible too.

Sounds like a key to a lot of attitudes of many in the US - on both sides; for and against Zionism.

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Excellent! Thank you! xx

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Thanks Lisa.

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I'm with you on this.

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Thanks Lisa 🙏

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Thanks for sharing this, Faiez. The documentary is very well done, and imparts critical understanding. The dark spell of silence will be broken. Beautiful work you're doing to spread the light of truth.

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You are most welcome David. And thank you for your kind words. Very much appreciated. Yes agree, great job by David Sorenson. May he be rewarded abundantly.

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Interesting video !

I have delved into this for 10 years now

Yet New to me was the rothschilds sail

Is Israel gathering the Jews there to be sacrificed?

They did vaccinate their entire country - was idf exempt?

Are they being controlled?

However Bible - I wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole - deceivers text , maltranslated text , freemasonic text.

Trumps coin is the answer — look closely - Saturnalia ..hiding in plain site

The two dollars? - both are fakes !

Everything coming out these days is prone to paltering .

Also Interesting 40:28 a strange fly lands on the head of the speaker

Everything is a sign

everything !

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This man needs to lead every presentation with the end of his presentation...from approx. 39 min. in when he describes the Scofield Bible (and he could add John Rockefeller's supervision and support of the Scofield Bible in the U.S., remembering that John Rockefeller I, was the most effective Rothschild agent that America every produced).

However, most importantly, David Sorenson's message and (what I believe, too) is an accurate interpretation of the Gospel message, the life and death of Jesus, and why He was murdered -- as those who wanted Jesus, the Apostles, and others, murdered, have desired to kill God's message of a Spiritual Kingdom (not a physical kingdom) within all humans. People, are threatened, who represent the Temple of God, within -- with the Spirit of God that moves them to love, care, share, and to live peacefully with all people on earth, "as brothers"...

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This is all very difficult to follow between all.of the comments. Jesus was made up and not real. Jesus said, "..." what is going on?!

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The video starts off very good and contains a lot of valuable insight and information, but then he starts to waffle about Jesus and the origin of the Jews, and quite frankly, he does not have the slightest clue about the real truth on these issues.

Jesus never existed, as fully proven in the book The Christ Conspiracy, The Greatest Story Ever Sold', by DM Murdock (revised edition).

David Sorensen says Jesus makes people brothers to each other, but in the Bible (the fictional) Jesus actually says he will set brother against brother, and says that a person's greatest enemies will be among the members of his own household. This is actually intentional mind-programming in a proto-Bolshevik Marxist-style, a psyop intended to undermine the non-Jewish family unit as a means to destroy target populations of non-Jewish nations at the most fundamental of levels.

Jesus is referred to several times in the NT in clearly rabbinical terms, and says he has not come to oppose or deny the words of the law or of the prophets, whose 'god' is clearly the same 'god' as that of the bloodthirsty Jews, Yahweh.

Jesus says this created dispute between family members will even lead to physical deaths in families (which is surely similar in actually stated terms to what is to be inflicted on the stated Egyptian enemy of the Jews in Isaiah 19:2), so what are the families who 'Jesus' directs his 'gospel of love' towards really considered to be by 'Rabbi' Jesus?

The Gnostics had embraced a spiritual understanding of a physically non-incarnate spiritual principality they termed Chrest for several thousands of years before Jesus (Yeshua is the proper Biblical name of Jesus actually), and the term Christ was invented by those who invented the fake religion of Christianity, and when the Gnostics ridiculed and exposed this fake-opposition Jewish NWO fake religion of the day for what it actually was, knowing full well that their Chrest had been stolen and hijacked and given a false physical identity and even named Christ, the Gnostics were simply all hunted down and put to death and their libraries burned, as also happened to any other Gentile religion that tried to carry on surviving the spread of 'the gospel of love'. The NWO psyop of the day could not be allowed to be exposed as a total fraud.

Those behind Christianity doing all the killing centuries ago were most certainly no real Christians or really spiritual in any way, but rather godless political agents only seeking to enforce a very cruel form of NWO mental programming over enslaved peoples by actually horrific means, which once set in motion more or less perpetuated itself without further use of blatant extreme physical violence being necessary to enforce its acceptance any longer.

The specially-produced crypto-Jewish fake opposition NWO Christian religion of the day was based on an earlier Jewish cult from the first or second century, and this was given to Emperor Constantine by the Jewish Piso family ostensibly purposed for him to use as a link religion to replace all religions then current in the various conquered Roman Empire nations, and understandably, these conquered peoples would not be entirely happy about their conquered and subjugated positions and were thus not really intended by a savvy Constantine to be actually given anything that would genuinely empower them and emancipate them, but rather quite the opposite, this would be a psy-op weapon to screw their heads up and keep them down without them even suspecting, if anything at all, and they would be told this actual total nightmare that had just been laid on them was Christmas, something to celebrate!

The Roman Emperor Constantine either got played by the Jewish Piso family inventors who obviously would wish to have their 'eternal' revenge on the Romans for earlier having suppressed the Jewish religion, or perhaps, like William the Conqueror, Emperor Constantine was himself actually acting as a shabbos goy, or perhaps Constantine was even an infiltrated crypto-Jew soul himself, really entirely devoted to spreading the JWO, just as Trump in the US is today.

Trump is unsuspected by scores of millions of brainwashed and hypnotized Christians as later intending to unleash the JWO one world government on them in full under Noahide Laws, involving the intended total physical extermination of all of them when he hands power over to the Jewish-intended NWO one world Jewish-controlled government after or during his 4 year term in office as POTUS.

When Trump says "Four more years, you will never have to vote again" he means just that, and for Christians, that means only certain death under Noahide Laws, which is to be the law enforced under the Jewish NWO one world government, and death may be inflicted by Jewish-designed COVID nanotech ethnobomb bioweapon jab or by other Jewish-designed nanotech ethnobomb bioweapon jabs to sterilize and murder many of them even in the meantime, or by arranged war with Russia or China, whose enslaved Gentile populations are also being played by their Jewish deep-state controllers to self-destruct by entirely similar devilish means.

Many millions eventually later perished in the dark ages during a four hundred year-long Pol Pot-style proto-Bolshevik rampage involving enforced mass illiteracy, mass-brainwashing, mass torture and mass slaughter, forced mass-conversion to Jewish psy-op Christianity, and mass-burnings of ancient and often several-thousand-year-old religious and mystical texts. The so-called Christians doing this were most certainly merely terrorists enforcing control by methods of the most extreme brutality and enforced mass ignorance inflicted in a scientific manner over four centuries or so to ensure that almost every trace of more ancient Gentile cultures was totally scrubbed from the collective consciousness of all those victim peoples.

This was never done to be 'nice' to these victim peoples, it was done with a threat of eternal hellfire to totally put people down and keep them down in a state of terrified mass hysteria, with victims fearing being burned alive or garrotted to death even in this life for any suspected dissension, while a public image of a benevolently-intended gospel was continually forced on these people. This was the Jewish religion in practice then over its intended Gentile slaves, as usual, with its disguised agents of chaos calling themselves by any other name while doing acts of evil against all others.

And in Isaiah 45:7 the Jew god who Jesus says in the gospel of John he is one with, says: "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things".

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David Sorensen says Jesus came to bring peace (and just peace, in contradiction to the verse above), but Jesus says in Matthew 10:34, “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace but a sword” and “If you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one” is a Bible verse from Luke 22:36, too many supposed 'non-literal' triggers there I think that are intended to play with people's minds.

And Jesus says that family members may even suffer actual physical death as a result of these divisions that he himself says he will create. This is not much different at all from the curse upon the Egyptians in Isaiah 19:2 really: "I will stir up Egyptian against Egyptian— brother will fight against brother, neighbor against neighbor, city against city, kingdom against kingdom" (and here the 'good lord' who Jesus says he is one with says he will make Gentile nations attack other Gentile nations, how nice of him, he really does love people eh?).

All such tosh is only for devoted masochists today really in the absence today of 'Christian' torturers and executioners seeking to enforce and spread the 'faith' any longer these days.

The Bukharian Jew Stalin was very satisfied with the horrific results of his mind-control experiments that he ordered to take place at the Romanian Pitesti prison. Stalin said 'this is how we will create the Communist mind' when referring to how methods of extreme mental and physical torture had been successfully used in the Pitesti prison torture experiment.

Stalin's methods there basically used extreme physical and mental stress and pain to totally brainwash and totally repattern subjects in any way desired to make them do anything at all, to believe in anything at all, to be made willing to torture former comrades in just the same way as they themselves had been tortured and inform on them and even to kill others on command like a robot, Big Brother Room 101-style.

This obscenely dark and soulless Jewish methodology used at Pitesti is actually entirely similar in basic principal to how extreme mental and physical torture processes were scientifically applied to many people to force them to convert to Christianity.

Even the knowledge of what might happen to people physically if they did not convert to Christianity would compel many to surrender their previous beliefs and adopt the Christian belief system instead, and even the occult threat of being burned alive forever after this life was made to seem very compelling at that time to ensure conversion.

Just as Communist converters at Pitesti and even in the Russian gulags would often send their Gentile mind control victims totally insane and make them entirely willing and even eager to do just the same to others in forced conversions to Communism by methods of the most extreme physical and mental torture, so centuries ago, fear of being burned alive or garrotted to death or tortured for heresy was genuinely widespread, and this is the real truth of how Christianity was really spread, and not by 'love'.

Threatening to burn someone to death in this life or to burn them alive forever after this life if they do not love you is not offering love, it is mentally torturing someone at the very least and is pure evil and demonic hate.

Anyone who might persist in telling themselves that this is not really torture at all and is perfectly acceptable as love is frankly just too daft for words, such individuals need proper education on the actual origins and real purpose of Christianity to set them free from this most unpleasant and harmful mind contol system.

All the Abrahamic 'religions' are entirely fake and should be gradually educated out of people and actually banned by law as criminal terrorist cults, most especially Judaism first of all as a matter of the utmost urgency, which maliciously instigated Christianity and Islam as controlled opposition psy-op cults.

The original Jewish teachings are anything but peaceful and brotherly, they are completly psychotic and murderously violent:

Deuteronomy 20:16

'However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes'.

Of course, the Jews always have a 'good reason' they say for exterminating anyone else, and Sephardic Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi can be seen in a video speech stating that under Torah instructions, all Gentiles are to be killed throughout the entire world leaving "no survivors", and that the Torah states that even the memory of the Gentiles is to be totally erased from the collective memory of all Jews, with Jews alone then left alive to 'inherit' this planet just like murderous Jewish 'settlers' in Gaza say 'god' is 'giving' them the land there, and these are teachings that are from the same words of the law and the prophets of the same Jewish god that Jesus says he is one with.

The late US political envoy Harold Wallace Rosenthal openly revealed the Jewish religion for what it really is, he stated that all Jews craftily just fake being religious as a psy-op tool in order to use this to exploit inalienable rights of freedom of expression of religion granted in most Gentile nations where such Gentile weakness allows the invading Jews to be able to not only enter other nations but even to then enter high political office in Gentile nations unsuspected while posing as 'spiritual' people and then work to destroy all these Gentile nations from within.

Rosenthal stated that the Jews actually have no religion at all in reality, and of course they do not, as their own 'scripture' says that every Jew is god walking upon the Earth, they are actually atheistic self-worshippers taking the mickey out of the Gentiles, but Jews do possess a lot of dark occult skills that they use for instance in black magic kapparot blood sacrifice rituals every year enabling transfer of Jewish karmic links accrued from their own past bad actions each year which they cruelly attach onto other souls by force during moments of extreme vulnerability in the sacrificial victims purposely-created by the infliction of intense pain and stress.

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“All abrahamic religions are fake…” obviously you havent read Quran,,, or you are atheist? Nihilist? God creates earth and sky and in between and creates you, when youare in mothers womb knows nothing,,, all of sudden you when you are born you are dismissing your Creator? Nice

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I have read the Quran, and the Bible and a number of other major scriptures, some many volumes long. I do believe in the existence of God, and I like the Vedic and Sikh understandings of God and feel the presence of God through them very clearly, but I do not like any Jewish-derived mainstream Abrahamic religions as they believe in burning everyone other than their own number alive forever unceasingly after this life in hell.

The Jews created this inconceivably sadistic notion of burning all others alive to set Gentile peoples against each other through terror, yet the Jews alone know what this actually refers to, it really refers to a process of Jews eternally holding all Gentile souls in total subjugation and terror and constantly torturing them in order to forcefully express spiritual energy and subtle material life force energy from their eternal souls in place of Jews legally receiving properly allotted life force energy from God Himself.

The Jews have been in this material dimension so long due to their persisting criminality that they have been able to study and learn all the occult tricks and dodges to circumvent many of the natural laws set by God.

The God-dodging Jews have learned to survive as parasites and predators by stealing what God has given to others in order to remain alive, and the Jews cannot return to the spiritual dimension from which all souls have beginninglessly originated to become truly alive or truly conscious due to their own actions in their self-deluded state.

The Jews continually confine themselves to having to constantly reincarnate over and over again on this planet for example, and they do this in necessarily originally stolen human form, as if they allowed the law of karma to affect them, under God's law they would have become amoeba or similar pond scum life, quite literally, when they first came to this planet with such pure hostility towards all other life here, so the Jews forcefully use kapparot black magic blood sacrifice rituals to implant their own bad karmic auric links into the subtle bodies of others to make others suffer the karmic consequences of Jewish bad actions on their behalf.

This criminal soul group forcfully seized human Gentile foetuses when they first arrived in this dimension, the first arrivals sneaking into the wombs of Gentile women according to leading kabbalist Rabbi Michael Laitman. This dimension is one of 14 material dimensions according to vedic teachings (similar to the teachings of 7 (material) heavens and 7 hells in other traditions).

The Jews avoid natural occult law when they torture kidnapped Gentile children here on this planet and drink their blood containing adrenochrome while also absorbing youthful pranic energies drained from them to escape the influence of time and remain youthful.

The Jewish God-dodgers seek to be their own god, and it is from their obviously artificially constructed notion of God that the Christian and Islamic concepts of God are solely derived from, which is self-evident, and this is precisely why so many crypto-Jewish operatives in several, but not all supposed Islamic and supposed Christian nations devote their military forces entirely in the service of Israel and the Jewish invaders. There is no valid argument against this.

Sadly, the very reliance on the notion of Islam or Christianity being any real remedy against the predatory Judaism is exactly what the Jews have long ago planned, so as to render any potential attempted spiritual opposition against the Jewish enslavers entirely ineffectual by such means, as the saviour that Jewish agents have cleverly provided the Muslims and Christians with is only a fictitious one that the Jews have cleverly given them in the first place to ensure that the Gentiles will never really be able to combat them by psychic or spiritual means, this is exactly why the Jews obsessed over totally destroying any earlier Gentile religions in much of the world that had real connection with God.

The Jews do not believe in any God above themselves, they insanely, arrogantly and quite unrealistically believe that the Jews ARE God themselves as self-purported 'elohim' and Chabad Lubavitchers for instance even ridiculously say that they themselves created this entire order of physical matter of this entire universe and even then created all of this planet, but they are simply trying to con everyone, but nevertheless they do have multidimensional siddhic powers that might seem quite fantastic and amazing until one realizes how spiritually dead and horribly miserable, jealous, destructive, angry and full of hate the Jews really are due to self-inflicted conscious disconnection from the true God that collectively, none of them dares to be seen to admit to, so they continue to hold their actually hopeless course to the bitter end, taking all others with them in a final act of total hatred towards the real God like killing all life on this planet with some Samson Option weaponry.

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As the late Chief Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson stated, the Jews come from another dimension, and though they appear as normal human beings on the outside he stated, on the inside they are entirely different, and indeed they are involved with the manipulation of an entirely different dimension of matter that can be made to appear exactly like the matter of this material dimension, yet which has magical properties, this is how much of their occult miracles are really done.

But it is important to realize that there are different souls from all different dimensions incarnating and visiting here all the time, and a number of them also can appear to perform siddhic feats and these others are not necessarily demons or demonically empowered like the Jewish soul group are, but may be entirely the opposite, coming instead from the more godly heavenly higher material dimensions like Brahmaloka, Siddhaloka or even from the spiritual dimensions themselves.

This same Jewish soul group actually includes vast numbers seeded in other races and religions in many nations who are also part of this 'invading force', says kabbalist Rabbi Laitman, but these other souls do not openly call themselves Jews of course, though they reveal themselves by acting together with the Jews in what they do, even while pretending to be Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Daoists, atheists, agnostics or whatever, this being something which is entirely different to the saying that 'there is good and bad in all religions'.

Since the Jewish religion is purely a politically contrived psyop deception, that makes Christianity and Islam surely also based on a politically-based deception too. There never was any Jesus or Issa.

I do not hate Christians and Muslims, they are fellow human souls suffering under invading Jewish hostility who need to be liberated and brought back to spiritual life with genuine spiritual engagement and I wish them well and that they can be freed from the nightmare that the Jews have imposed on them by. Millions of Gentiles were slaughtered to force both the spread of Christianity and Islam.

The psyop Christian and Muslim fake religions were created to manipulate Gentiles into opposing polarities as controlled opposition groups that could be used to appear to oppose Judaism yet really be made to destroy each other.

See how many fake Muslim and fake Christian nations now support Israel, whose so-called Jewish scriptures state that all Christians must be killed in the Talmud for instance, and their insane Noahide Laws intended to be used to complete the killing of all members of all Gentile religions are fully supported by the Torah.

No real God would burn even a single soul alive unceasingly for all eternity, only a total demon would even think of doing that or would do that if it was even possible.

The Jews do intend the equivalent though, to eternally imprison all other souls and to torture them eternally in order to forcibly express spiritual and subtle material life force energy from them that the Jews maybe cannot obtain from God anymore due to having rejected Him, though perhaps the Jews already are being sufficiently provided for by God nonetheless in terms of subtle pranic energy yet are so demonically selfish and greedy and megalomaniac that nothing ever seems enough to them and they want to get all the life force they can by any means from everyone else out of pure selfish greed, thinking they should be God Himself as they actually do.

The real God mercifully lets even these presently spiritually forgetful and demonic Jewish invader souls as Rabbi Laitman himself calls them continue to have a humanlike form in order for them to challenge us Gentiles, this is in order for this opposing soul group to present a sufficient challenge to the Gentiles so as to make the Gentile souls desire to cultivate real spiritual self-will and oppose the challenge by all appropriate means so that the Gentiles can not only preserve their own species and this world for future generations but also be able to function in a spiritually awakened manner with activated spiritual self-will alongside that of the real God in the spiritual world after this life.

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David Sorensen talks of the pharisees talking of non-Jews as 'dogs' and makes out Jesus is opposed to this, but The Syro-Phoenician woman’s daughter (Mark 7: 24–30) reveals the Jewish attitude including that of the rabbinically-identified Jesus himself towards both women and Gentiles when a Gentile woman comes to Jesus to ask him to cast out an evil spirit from her daughter. She calls him “Sir”, which means Lord, a title for God, but Jesus’ words to her are typically Jewish and anti-Gentile. He says, “It is not right to take the children’s food and toss it to the dogs.” The term ‘dog’ was a common description of Gentiles.

So David Sorensen is actually not being genuinely truthful here and is actually even being condescendingly manipulative when he misrepresents and bends things in the Bible, seemingly trying to present a totally unrealistic and syrupy sweet nursery rhyme reality for little children. But the Jesus character is actually evil.

Anyone who says that anyone who does not love him will be burned alive unceasingly in hell after this life for all eternity is pure evil, and anyone who cannot see that is totally deluded.

Thank goodness that Jesus never really existed, but his story has been deliberately used to cause an immense amount of mental damage and scores of millions of deaths in wars fought over his purported existence throughout history.

The Jewish Piso family who actually invented Jesus (Yeshua) are also discussed in the book by the Reverend Robert Taylor, The Diegesis, written in 1829, which can be freely downloaded in PDF or other form as required.

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Yes, I'm up to speed on most everything in Kirsten's video. An did you know the Rothschilds began this deception in 1829 when they purchased Bethlehem from Ottomans. - http://tinyurl.com/3dj8847y

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Thank you, this is very well done! I would like to share this on odysee, Bitchute, & possibly Rumble with full credit givin to the author, as well as a direct link back to this page, however, I do not see any options for doing this, would this be possible? (I do not taking part in any of the options listed.)

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You're welcome. The video was downloaded from David Sorenson's website. You can provide the link to this page https://stopworldcontrol.com/israel/ Thanks.

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David Sorenson's video is indeed very well done. The only critique I would have, is that all Bible interpreters have refused to address that the work was meant to be read as *parable*. A book of poetic constructs, designed to stimulate moral analysis and ethics.

The bible is not to be understood as factual or historical. Sorry... As in Homer's "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey" the story lines are mythical. A morality play. Modern interpretations of the bible are completely skewed and off the mark... In my opinion, them's the facts...

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Sorry, Paul, but that is but one aspect of the Bible, which is true. But Jesus did not always speak in parables, either, but left us direct teachings of what he believed, and what he also shared with his followers (in sermons & in response to people asking questions of him at various times) of what God commands of all of us in our daily lives -- belief and actions, in fairly direct wording. Thus, the Bible can be perceived as a book of literature, a book containing parables, a history book (though not always literal history), a prophetic book (by many, including the prophets, i.e., Isaiah, for one), who spoke directly to the people about what they must do to avoid the dire predictions of the future, and a teaching manual for how mankind should live.

Thus, when one combines the Old Testament (Torah) with the New Testament, IF one truly reads, with an open mind, reading comprehension skills, and a discerning heart, one learns that the Bible, in totality, provides many levels of Truth...


By the way, please read the history of how the city of Troy was discovered (in ruins), i.e., about the life and beliefs of Heinrich Schliemann, who, as a child understood that history is often provided in myths, lore, and tales; and can often be traced and found, in reality, if one is intellectually able to discern the clues from what is provided in these embellished narratives -- if one also has the will and fortunate circumstances to pursue the trails...of discovery.

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You mention that the city of Troy was actual, and that's now regarded as a proven physical reality. Homer's depictions are largely interpretive, rather then autobiographical. After all, Homer was not there to experience the actual event...

The majority of passages in the Bible are also interpretive and based on verbal folklore. There was not even an established common language or alphabet in the times depicted as First Testament codices. The Septuagint is a Greek translation of alleged places and events...

He said. She said. They did, they said, was largely contested for hundreds of years after the death of the alleged Christ. The apostles who submitted the earliest texts were not even born in the era of the alleged Christ. Thus, they were not there to hear his dialog, nor witness his alleged miracles.

Belief in the veracity of Biblical events has resulted in the enslavement and deaths of hundreds of millions of innocent persons. The book is black magic in every sense of the term...

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You obviously do not have knowledge of Heinrich Schliemann or his discovery of the ruins of Troy that were found based on information in Homer's account of The Iliad, as interpreted by Schliemann from the oral traditions of history passed down to Homer, who wrote down such narratives -- which had passed from one generation to another, intentionally, so that history, philosophy, and science would not be totally lost for future generations.

Sadly, for you, it also appears that you are blinded by emotional biases and/or intellectual laziness, because you ignore actual history even when such is verifiably recounted to you (easy to Google Schliemann & Troy). You also ignore the oral tradition of centuries, at least, whereby people passed on their stories and narratives of events with far more expectations of overall accuracy (as they had no books or paper products to share) than in our present times when people are not trained to share with accuracy, as once was required, generationally.

Further, you have strong opinions, and even a wacky and superstitious attitude towards the Bible; and you also appear to blame God's Word, instead of men, who have misinterpreted the book for their own purposes, including lust for power over others. (Take your blinders off and read history with more lucidity and clarity.)

Indeed, too, you persist in spouting superficial, opinionated, nonsense about a book you have, quite obviously, never read in full or studied in detail. Study the book with university classes in Biblical Studies and Theology before you say such publicly ludicrous comments again -- unless, of course, you, who appear to be intelligent, want to be considered unreliable, primitive, and ignorant...to the majority of people reading these comments.

Your choice...here, and in this life -- as the consequences, in any case, will fall only on you.

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Hello IrishKelly: Well... I've heard all the above defenses of biblical belief before. I've read excellent translations of both the Iliad and Odyssey, and am well aware of oral traditions within the purvey of ancient story tellers and poets. It is said that persons of Homer's status could relate entire texts - word for word, in exact detail. This oral accuracy was a requirement within the royal courts of those times. That said:

I spent a considerable period of my life perusing historical record, and am hardly "lazy" regarding intellectual pursuits. I've read and studied high quality editions of both the Douay and King James versions of the Bible, including concordance. Not a novice... The bible - touted as a unifying force, has been the most divisive and devilish book in mankind's history.

Only extremely primitive persons would believe the text is the definitive words of a reasonable god... It is my choice to honor my own truths. Not the "truths" of bigots and mass murderers.

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Too kool for skool isn't he? haha.

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Many thanks for posting that, very helpful, albeit long to go through. I have skim viewed to get the highlights.

I think I can say I was generally aware. The Rothschilds are the children of wrath as spoken of in scripture for they are 'Wraths Child'. This is why in the New Testament it says repeatedly "Let him who has ears to hear let him hear."

The child sacrifice issue is because their wrath is on the child and again in their name. This also relates to the killing of the children by Herod after Jesus's birth for example as he sought to eliminate the threat as he saw it to his throne and power.

I did this on Lucifer and shortly to do a supplemental post on Lucifer's character.


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You are most welcome. Thanks for the information and link. Much appreciated. Yes the world is facing incredible evil. Tragic situation.

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Dec 10, 2023
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Thank you J.R. Appreciated. You're welcome.

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Nov 11, 2023
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Israel has already taken two rigs offshore belonging to a neighbouring state, simply by means of military force of course, their usual selfish bullying criminal terrorist modus operandi, I think one gas rig and one oil rig.

Invading coalition American forces repaired an oil pipeline in the illegally-invaded-and-looted Iraq running between Mosul and Kirkuk and extended that into Israel, since then, free of charge, unlimited amounts of oil have been pumped into Israel guaranteed by the continued presence of US troops in Iraq to safeguard the pipeline and well heads by mind-controlled US slave forces demonstrating their total fealty to Israel, and not a single drop of stolen oil goes anywhere else of course, not that any should be going anywhere, this being another pointer to who really caused the war there. I have only ever seen that fact mentioned just once in a small report in the The Daily Telegraph UK newspaper around 1990. Of course, 50 % of all US armed forces generals self-declare as practicing Jews, so the US Gentile army is really the Israeli slave goy army.

The cancer rate in Iraq in 1990 prior to invasion was a tiny 5% lifetime risk, but even by 2005, it had already rocketed to a massive 200% lifetime rate due to enforced at gunpoint Jewish Monsanto GM poison crop seeds being pushed on farmers and confiscation of their own highly developed seed stocks, due to dioxin-producing burn pits and due to DU weapons, which US and UK army doctor thugs, civilian doctor thugs and 'scientist' thugs say is entirely harmless.

This means that every Iraqi is now guaranteed to get cancer at least twice in their lifetime, and reproduction there will ultimately become impossible as DU is also a WMD that destroys the contiguity of DNA in the fullness of time and will ultimately render any area of land on which it has been deployed totally devoid of any form of life.

I know a volunteer medical team who visit Iraq every year, they tell me they hardly ever see a single normal child there now, they are almost all damaged or defective in some way now, injured, diseased, deformed or mentally disabled.

This is an ongoing Biblical extermination event in Iraq instigated by terrorist Israel and committed on behalf of terrorist Israel that nobody talks about because nobody is told about it, all reports we see say just 100,000 Iraqis died, even 1 million, end of, and mistakenly print that the population is now healthy and growing, but this is a total propaganda lie.

DU remains radioactive with various kinds of contaminating radioactive isotopes for hundreds of millions of years at least, any unsuspecting people or species moving onto that land to live there will be similarly affected millions of years into the future and very quickly become unable to reproduce there after a few generations and the cancer rates are not lessening there today but still increasing there as the genetic damage compounds more and more every year.

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