Apr 22Liked by Dr Faiez Kirsten


Being sorry doesn't help the dead ones nor the injured ones but I suppose it is "better late than just sorry" as many of them and more continue "lying by omission" which is STILL lying.

I posted your article on this website www.activatehumanity.com a few minutes ago.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Hi Lise. Yes exactly! "lying by omission" which is STILL lying! Here is the response of another of my contacts: 'To me he now lacks complete commitment to the truth. For if he is in sincere apology , then that apology would should also expose , with clarity , as to why & how doctors like him found themselves so bamboozled.

He is also eager to stress his inability to financial compensate those by his prescription & then selective does not venture to mention those who have died as a direct result of his prescription. Lastly if he so regrets , then it should mean a complete turn-around for him from this deceptive & destructive arm of medical practice.' Thanks for posting on the website. Appreciated.

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