Jul 10Liked by Dr Faiez Kirsten

Thank you. This would make a great children's picture book. Good for adults, too :)

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You're welcome

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Jul 9Liked by Dr Faiez Kirsten

From your distant observations ... which country appears to be the more captured and under occupation of the J-Cults, Australia or South Africa? I weep for what these criminal psychos have done to South Africa, though ... the same thing appears to be happening in Oz.

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Jul 9Liked by Dr Faiez Kirsten

I think Australia purely because as of now the infrastructure and law enforcement is way more advanced than in SA. Our government are so corrupt and do as they please they may have accepted the money and agreed to the NWO but couldn't care to enforce it.

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Difficult question to answer. South Africa is a failed state and a criminocracy. The corruption levels are off the charts here. But then again the entire world is a criminocracy ruled by the criminal Luciferian cult. The criminal banksters rule the world. The cult has captured virtually all countries.

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Jul 9Liked by Dr Faiez Kirsten

Well the last time I visited SA, Durban, Johannesburg and Cape Town even appeared to have the 'stench' of J-Cult control ... my perception only. Sadly, the flooding of South African cities with outsider/foreign Africans certainly sped-up some of the fracturing of an already struggling societal-balance. Done deliberately, no doubt to ensure that there was very little chance of unifying the tapestry of the South African nation. Sadly there doesn't appear to be a [genuine] stalwart, male or female, to grab the bull by the horns and lead the whole country back to the path of righteousness. Of course it goes without saying that the individual would need to be aware that they would be sacrificing themselves, for the greater good ... because the J-Cults and their criminal henchmen, al-la MI6/CIA/MOSSAD will be knocking on their door, at 3:00am in the mornings, regularly ... like they did with Steve Biko.

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Yes, completely controlled by the cult. The ANC was captured by the beast decades ago. The flooding of South Africa with foreigners, like what is happening in the US and Europe, is part of the cult's agenda to eliminate national sovereignty and control the world from one central governance center. You are correct. The problem we have is one of failed leadership. And not only in South Africa but across the world. The world has an oversupply of misleaders. But real, righteous leaders who have the interests of their people at heart are eliminated by the psychopaths. Gadhafi is a prime example. Sadly most people are under severe satanic mind control and fight those who are trying to wake them up and show them what is unfolding. Societal Stockholm Syndrome is a real and very serious obstacle to defeating the cult. The psyops deployed by the cult have been very successful unfortunately. Most people are feeding the beast when they should be fighting the beast which is enslaving and exterminating them. Most people are willing and active participants in the satanic system to their own destruction. Is there any hope? Will this save the world? https://faiezkirsten.substack.com/p/will-this-save-the-world

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Jul 9Liked by Dr Faiez Kirsten

Thank you for sharing.

Keep smilin' ...

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You're welcome

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