The globe earth places God millions of miles away but the geocentric earth places Him right above the firmament. Think about what that does to the subconscious mind of a human? How would that effect his behaviour? It gives a new meaning to the saying God is watching us.
The globe earth places God millions of miles away but the geocentric earth places Him right above the firmament. Think about what that does to the subconscious mind of a human? How would that effect his behaviour? It gives a new meaning to the saying God is watching us.
Good day, I trust you are well.
Did you know: The world is the shape of a rainbow, sphere ?
The answer lies in the EARTH'S magnetic polar shift.
The end of the world as we know it.
This happens every 1100 years.
The event is accelerated by them and will be happening soon - 2042 - even sooner.
The New world lies behind the Antarctica, Ice wall, what is buried beneath
No structures will be maintained, nothing can save us
The Elites can only saves themselves or can they really ?
That is the best kept secret so far... there is where you should be digging
Even when you know the truth, there is not much you can do to change what is coming.
I have seen the scientific evidence hidden from the world wide web. Let me know if you want me to share it with you.