Japan Declares State of Emergency After ‘Nanobots’ Found in 96 Million Citizens – The People’s Voice
This is the title of a ‘Peoples Voice’ video published on Rumble.com this month (1). In it the reporter says, “Japan has issued an apology to its citizens for the disastrous consequences of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines and has launched a far-reaching scientific inquiry and criminal investigation to establish the truth and punish the perpetrators. Japan is uncovering crimes against humanity and the whole wide world needs to hear this information. A new Japanese study published in the ‘International Journal of Vaccine Practice and Research’ (2) proves that Pfizer and Moderna vaccines contain unauthorized animated worm-like entities invisible to the human eye that swim and wriggle and assemble themselves into complex structures. As Dr. Young Mi Lee and Dr. Daniel Broudy from Okinawa Christian university explain, these worm-like entities are responsible for causing clots inside millions of human bodies around the world since the mRNA rollout. When these processes are replicated the results are the same as the deeply disturbing footage from ‘Died Suddenly’ reveals.”
The study referred to is titled, ‘Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study.’ Below are a few excerpts:
In the wake of the mass vaccination program, by as early as March 2021and over the following months, significant increases in excess deaths of “unknown” causes and severe sequelae —blood clots, inexplicable haemorrhaging, multiple organ damage (and failure), sudden spikes (cardiotoxins) in heart disease, blood cancers including leukemia and lymphoma, a range of other “turbo” cancers, miscarriages, neurological and autoimmune disorders, to name a few, have appeared in patients (Nyström and Hammarström, 2022; Santiago & Oller, 2023; Perez et al., 2023; Mead et al., 2024a1)
The results of experiments with exposure to heat and electromagnetic energy were significant: short-term exposures showed remarkable changes in the self-assembled structures. Ultraviolet radiation, visible light, temperature, nitrogen, sources of carbon in the air, electromagnetic fields, various wave frequencies, and other factors can evidently trigger nanoparticles to react—whether to assemble or disassemble what appear to be pre-programmed structures.
As regards “vaccine” exposure to electromagnetic energy, preliminary observations show that the materials in the injectables react positively to wireless cell phone rechargers while they react negatively to external hard drives. As electromagnetic frequency-sensitive materials, it is plausible that the injectable contents are designed to act as a kind of semi-conductor. Many researchers have called attention to the biohazardous effects of electromagnetic energy fields to the human body, especially causing carcinogenesis, neurodegeneration, damage to reproductive cells, and rapid-developing fetal cell damage (Ilori et al., 2019; Kashini et al., 2023;Noor-A-Rahim et al., 2022; Dasdag et al., 2015; Russell, 2018; Moon, 2020).
Wireless rechargers or external hard drives are useful and very common personal electronic devices. If recipients of the experimental injectables (“vaccines”) have these materials circulating in their body and if they use these personal electronic devices, the devices themselves may, beyond routine electromagnetic field exposure, increase harm to their health, particularly to cellular regeneration, as the contents react synergistically with ambient radiation.
If the injectable contents are designed, in part, to serve as both software and hardware for the clandestine construction of intracorporeal networks as Kyrie and Broudy (2022) suggest, the contents likely interact with electromagnetic energy fields outside the body. In the present developmental stage of mobile communications networks globally, we urge researchers to reproduce our efforts or setup alternative studies to better understand what remote effects there may be on human/animal/plant biology in the face of forthcoming 6G and 7G iterations of WiFi and LiFi.
In analysis of blood clots from vaccinated persons, a few filament-like structures were found attached to brownish homogeneous cloudy white clots extracted from the middle layer of whole blood sediment. When in close proximity to an electromagnetic field, the filaments could possibly trigger the formation of a clot and, thus, disturb free blood or lymph flow. Given their microscopic size and wide distribution throughout the body, if these foreign materials interact with either inside or outside sources of energy, as the literature states, they could well become elongated, enlarged, and serve as mysterious modes of morbidity and eventual mortality.
Nanostructures are known to be stimulated to grow and carry out functions from various triggers: visible light, temperature (heat), electromagnetic fields, ultraviolet radiation, water, carbon and oxygen via air, special electrolyte-Ca++. These phenomena we have been able to confirm through longitudinal observations.
Since electromagnetic energy stimulates the formation of the observed nanostructures, regular (re)grounding (earthing) the body can help discharge over-accumulated electromagnetic energy in tissues. Avoiding unnecessary excess exposure to electromagnetic energy can also be beneficial. Personal electronics, such as smart watches, smartphones, wireless earphones, Wi-Fi routers, and all other forms of electromagnetic energy pollution, should be significantly reduced if not eliminated.
Observational studies and comparative analysis suggest that intentional contaminations appear in the “vaccine” vials, in blood samples extracted from test subjects exposed to the “vaccines,” and in the subsequent shedding of synthetic biologicals (Woodruff & Maerkl, 2016). Both the morphology and behavioral characteristics of these observed phenomena suggest that far from being pure (Finn, 2011p. 138), these injectables are composed of, hitherto, undisclosed additional engineered components responsive to a range of internal and ambient forms of energy, all of which are traceable to and described throughout the scholarly literature.
Profound deviations from the generally understood meaning of the “vaccine” marketing slogan and its claim of “safe and effective” appear in observations of the “biologicals” under the microscope. Excess deaths, incidences of “turbo” cancer and various autoimmune diseases reported globally since the rollout of the “injectables” show a suspiciously high correlation. The perversions we have described suggest a clear correspondence to the communications infrastructure now appearing under construction in the long-planned well-funded Internet of Bodies, the IoB (Celik et al., 2022), a kind of synthetic global central nervous system —the details of which are also widely discussed and illustrated in the scholarly corpus. Biohybrid Magnetic Robots, in particular, represent a significant concern for researchers attempting to make sense of the responsiveness of these “biologicals” to energy sources. We echo the calls of other researchers engaged in similar studies: until the components can be verified and their long-term effects understood, a necessity flouted by calls for Emergency Use Authorization, an immediate global ban is needed.
It is not only the vaccinated who are contaminated but the unvaccinated too!!
Although this study was conducted on mRNA products from Pfizer and Moderna, there is irrefutable evidence that unvaccinated people are also contaminated (3),
So, what can you do about this problem?
Firstly, remove nano robots and harmful electromagnetic radiation from your external environment and your body. Of course this is very difficult in today’s world. Nonetheless do the best you can to keep your external and internal environments as clean as possible. We explain how to remove nanotechnology and electromagnetic radiation from the body in the CounterAct Program. Secondly, minimize your exposure to these dangerous stressors every day, and thirdly specifically protect yourself against harmful and deadly electromagnetic radiation. The EC Bands are highly effective in this regard.
or email to faiez@brainscience.co.za
Links to videos:
1. https://www.brighteon.com/b6455d27-fd5f-4ef0-afc9-b8247f4e0d1a
2. https://www.brighteon.com/aff21cf4-0202-4917-9a24-8162361017a6
3. https://www.brighteon.com/eb348bef-2097-49d8-8b90-4784c44c2c6c
4. https://www.brighteon.com/5906beae-6072-418d-ba79-aceceb41f7b2
5. https://www.brighteon.com/88f0d436-7042-4dfb-b29c-22d4df5d4ec2
(1) https://rumble.com/v5agvnd-japans-declares-state-of-emergency-after-
(2) https://mail.ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/102
(3) https://rumble.com/v34xs56-nanotechnology-found-in-both-vaxxed-and-un-
I have not yet seen this Japanese government announcement, only an ex minister, not in government make an apology to the people, so The People's Voice are not correct. In fact Japan are supposed to be producing "self replicating vaccines", which, I believe, means that a vaccinated person can pass on the vaccine to another just by contact. Whether true, or not, it would incur the same fear as before, with social distancing becoming the norm again, to the delight of the technocrats.